Friday, December 9, 2011

Cheesy Potato Soup!

If you haven't already figured it out, I have a love for cheese. A big, big, BIG love. If cheez-whiz was healthy, I'd pour it over everything. I also have a taste for fine cheese (I'm so refined), I grew up trying all sorts of new cheeses with my dad. Anyways, you'll find that a lot of my recipes use cheese, we go through a lot of those big bags of shredded cheese in this house. I don't think I could ever cut dairy out of my diet-thank jeebus I'm not lactose intolerant!

Aaaanyways, I've been craving a good potato soup, but am always weary because the potatoes never seem to cook and it never gets creamy enough. I found a super easy recipe on Crockin' Girls and decided to give it a go. It uses frozen hashbrowns, so I knew that they'd cook through easily, and they did! The only thing that could have been better was the "cheese factor". The second I put the cheese in, it got all stringy and melted SUPER fast. I wonder if Velveeta would work better, otherwise I might try some cream of cheddar soup next time around.

All in all, it was a good meal, and between 4 of us, the entire crockpot was finished. I had three servings, and I know everyone else had at least two. If you have a little extra time, cook up some bacon and chop it off, bacon bits are good, but they just aren't the same as crunchy REAL bacon. ;)

You can find the recipe right here, enjoy!

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