Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Shredded Chicken Taco Bowls

Tonight's dinner was a sort of "dump and go" meal-I threw all the ingredients in my trusty crockpot this morning and pretty much forgot about it (minus a little stirring once or twice) until it was ready to go. I love being able to start my meals at the beginning of the day when I have a little more energy, and having the majority of the work done for me! All I had to do before serving was make some rice (which could totally only take 90 seconds if you go the instant route, but I chose not to), chop up the cilantro, and put the shredded cheese in a bowl. Oh, and heat up the queso dip, which is what I served as a little appetizer (although you really don't need anything, this meal was SUPER filling). Overall, the meal was a success, but J and I both agreed it was lacking in the seasoning department. I think it needed a little more salt, there was still a pretty good "kick" to it, but it needed something more. I also think I'd go easier on the rice and have the "taco" part be more of the focus. Here is the full recipe, I really love how she breaks it all down by cost, this one was less than $11-totes affordable and seriously SO easy. Trust me, if you have a crockpot, you can make this. Now, onto pics...

Here is the chicken, beans, corn, and seasonings (I didn't just use taco seasoning) just bakin' away
And here is the finished product, served with Blue Moon's Harvest Pumpkin Ale which is DELISH!

Overall, I think I'd give this one a solid B. J is taking the leftovers to work tomorrow to share with the guys, so I'll let them be the final judges!


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