Sunday, November 27, 2011

Buffalo Chicken Grilled Cheese Sammiches and a weekly menu!

At about 3 pm, I realized it was Sunday and we had no groceries nor a meal plan for the upcoming week. Problem was, we don't get paid until Friday and we're running a little low on the fundage, so I had to come up with a full week's worth menu spending less than $50 on groceries. We pretty much cleared out our entire kitchen after Thanksgiving, so there wasn't a whole lot to work with. Since I'm more of a chicken fan than a beef fan, a lot of our meals this week have chicken in them. But don't worry, on Friday we're having Prime Rib (yet another military ball), so I'll be sure to get my red meat fix in then. ;) Here's the menu for this week:

Sunday: Buffalo Chicken Grilled Cheese Sandwiches
Monday: Quiche (woo-hoo, breakfast for dinner!)
Tuesday: Homemade pepperoni and sausage pizza
Wednesday: BBQ Chicken Tacos
Thursday: Chicken Risotto
Friday: Out again!
Saturday: Umm...I totally forgot Saturday even existed.
We'll probably end up having friends over for dinner,
so I'll be sure to get back to ya.

Obviously, those are just the main dishes, as I have yet to decide what the sides will be. We have some baked potatoes, rice and veggies, mashed potatoes, fruit, and pasta that can be used, so we'll see what I come up with! There's also still some leftovers from Turkey Day, so I'm thinking that corn casserole will be reheated and eaten.

Before I go on to tonight's dinner, I want to post a dinner we had from the other night. I forgot to write about it and realized that last night, so I figured I'd play a little catch up and post it tonight. We had Hasselback potatoes and bleu cheese burgers. The potatoes looked NOTHING like the picture, I assume that I didn't cook them for long enough, so next time around, they'll be in the oven for a good hour. I'd also add a little more garlic and olive oil for more flavoring, but I think they have potential! You could also add in some bacon bits, bleu cheese crumbles, and even some shredded cheddar for an added yumminess factor. Here is the link for the taters, they were supes easy to make, so have no fear, just cook 'em a little longer than the requested time. And as far as the burgers go, just melt a little bleu cheese on top of the beef and add your regular toppings. Sooo delish.

Alright, tonight's meal was pretty yummy. I was craving some comfort food, and Liam's grilled cheese roll-up looked appetizing, so I decided to make a more "grown-up" version of that. I found this recipe for a Buffalo Chicken Grilled Cheese and just HAD to try it. I'm a big fan of buff chicken dip, so I figured if this recipe combines two of my favorite foods, it must be pretty dern good. We didn't have carrots, so we left those out. Not sure I would have added them anyways, but the recipe does call for them. I almost wish this sandwich had more of a "ranch" taste to it, but that's probably because I'm used to eating my buffalo chicken goodies with ranch or bleu cheese. I don't know, I was suddenly craving salad dressing while eating it. I think I'd definitely grill it on top of a stove in this instance as well, we used our George Forman, and it just wasn't crispy/buttery enough for me, if ya know what I mean. All in all, it was a good dinner and totally filling. J asked for seconds, and will probably bring the cold mixture to work-although now that I think about it, that mixture would taste really yummy on top of a salad. Drool.

Mmmkay, enough of my ramblings for the night, off to watch more Season 1 of Mad Men! ;)


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